For appointment call: (936) 760-1200
Our foot and ankle specialist treats many different conditions including diabetic foot concerns that should not be ignored.
Peripheral neuropathy is the most common cause of foot pain for diabetes patients. This can result in:
If you are a diabetes patient be sure to have your feet examined at least once a year to avoid this condition or to slow its progression. If you are already experiencing any of these concerns please schedule an appointment with our diabetes foot care specialists for an exam and treatment to relieve pain.
Because diabetes patients often can’t feel their feet very well, they may not notice when they’ve injured themselves, and high blood glucose levels make it harder for diabetes patients wounds to heal. The most common cause of diabetic non-healing wounds is mechanical pressure or micro-repetitive trauma from a structural deformity high pressure point.
High resolution, digital x-ray will show evidence of specific structural deformity and any signs of bone infection that require a bone biopsy to treat the infection. Musculoskeletal ultrasound of of ligaments, tendons, muscles and nerves can locate abscess (infection) in the soft tissues. An Arterial Doppler Study evaluates blood flow through the arteries and veins of the foot and ankle to identify blocked or reduced blood flow to the non-healing wound.
Advances in wound care products include many topical, biologic regenerative treatment options for non-healing diabetic wounds. However, if the three most important causes - a structural deformity causing a high pressure point, a bone or tissue infection, or lack of adequate blood flow to the wound - are not resolved, the wound will not heal.
Because of this, be sure to check your feet for cuts or blisters and treat them. If the wound won’t heal or becomes infected be sure to request an appointment to have it treated before the infection spreads to other areas of the foot and leg.
Texas Foot Surgeons' diagnostic capabilities determine non-healing causes quickly, allowing our diabetic foot specialist to immediately initiate results oriented, measurable outcomes. We work closely with interventional vascular specialists as well as endocrinologists to provide a comprehensive coverage protocol.
Diabetic patients need to be sure their feet are properly protected with shoes that allow air to access the foot and don’t rub or cause blisters. Some patients may also need a custom-fit device inside their shoe to stabilize their feet, reduce shock and relieve pressure. This can help reduce foot pain and protect from future injuries.
Texas Foot Surgeons provides patients with an in-office custom diabetic shoe and orthotic service. This is convenient and doesn’t require a second appointment to get fitted, in most cases. Our orthotics team will create the mold just for you and create the inserts or shoes that you need for healthier feet.
690 S Loop 336 W
Suite 150
Conroe, Texas 77304
Texas Foot Surgeons, PLLC ©2018. All rights reserved.